HomeNews26 января преподаватели института посетили Екибастузский колледж инженерно-технического института им. академи К. Сатпаева.
On January 26, the teachers of the Institute visited the Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute. akademi K. Satpayev. - News

On January 26, the teachers of the Institute visited the Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute. akademi K. Satpayev. Graduates got acquainted with the list of educational programs, the rules of admission to the institute and the innovations of the UNT. The results of the Rating of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held annually by the Independent Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", were also announced, in which our institute took a leading position in most educational programs.
Tel. of the admissions Committee +7-702-995-72-61