Today, on the eve of International Women's Day, we want to congratulate all women on this wonderful holiday!
On this day we celebrate your beauty, intelligence and talents, as well as your unwavering strength and power.
And we also want to share the wonderful news: today the akim of Ekibastuz was awarded with a certificate of honor: Zhalmagambetova Dinara Kairullayevna, Mazhit Aliya Amanzholovna and Diba Tatiana Viktorovna.
These wonderful women have made a worthy contribution to the development of our city and deservedly received their diplomas.
May the day of March 8 be filled with joy and warmth,...
On March 3-4, the republican forum "Senin Satin" was held at Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov.
With the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the forum was attended by university students, faculty and media representatives specially invited from other regions. Alexander Krasnov, the head of education, the chairman of the Youth Committee, and Mahmet Ayaulym, the chairman of the Sports Committee, took part in our institute. The purpose of the forum is to increase the cohesion of young people in the country, the formation of their national val...
1000 students of our university will start studying on the Coursera platform
Today, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek paid a working visit to Atyrau region.
The Minister, together with the Akim of the region Serik Shaikenova, began his working trip by familiarizing himself with the condition of the building recognized as an emergency, in which the dormitory No. 2 of the Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov was located. Currently, students are accommodated in dormitories of other educational institutions of ...
The Zamandas club hosted a meeting of labor veterans with the student youth of the city of Ekibastuz.
The event was attended by our veteran, Honored Power Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan Seitkanov Sabriden and the following students: Vladimir Kolesnikov (BAU-11), Alexander Vasilyuk (BAU-11), Nikolay Repikhov (BAU-11), Ivan Fedoryakin (BAE-11),
Vitaly Ivanov (BEE-21), Sadykov Dias (BEE-21).
Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek reported to the President on the results of the Ministry's work in 2022 and plans for the coming period.
The Head of State received Minister of Science and Higher Education Sayasat Nurbek
Kassym-Jomart Tokayev heard a report on the work on the creation of an academic campus in the city of Konayev.
The President was also informed about the opening of three representative offices of international universities in 2022 and the upcoming establishment of five new branches in 2023.
In addition, the Minister presented a draft Concept for the development of higher education and science for 2023-2029, which combined all strategic objectives and...
On March 1, 2023, the awarding ceremony of persons participating in the liquidation of an emergency in the city of Ekibastuz took place at the Kainar UEC.
Our second-year student of the Electric Power Engineering educational program, Kaliev Meiram of the BE-21 group was awarded a letter of thanks from the President for his active participation.
Congratulations!!! Kainazarova Ainash Sabitovna with the assignment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D070700 – Mining.
Kainazarova Ainash Sabitovna with the assignment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D070700 – Mining. We wish you further success, achievements in scientific and professional activities, and the realization of creative ideas!
Rector of Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named
after Academician K. Satpayeva, Ph.D. D.M. Sivaraksha
By the decision of the Republican Commission for Training Personnel Abroad, chaired by the State Adviser of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Bolashak scholarship was awarded to 25 Kazakhstanis who will undergo an internship at leading universities and industry organizations of the world.
The list of holders of the Bolashak International Scholarship is published on the website of the Center for International Programs:
Since 2023, holders of the Bolashak Presidential scholarship can receive a work deferral for up to 1 year to complete an internship abroad. Bolashakovites can get an internship in organizations included in the world rankings "Fortune Global 500", "Forbes Global 2000", "Forbes Top 100 Digital Companies", in international organizations of the United Nations. Also, a work deferral is granted to doctoral students for postdoctoral studies in their specialty.
As part of the event "ERG Day in Educational Institutions", representatives of the Vostochny section of JSC UAC held a meeting with students.
As part of the event "ERG Day in Educational Institutions", representatives of the Vostochny section of JSC UAC held a meeting with students. The guests told the students about the company, about career opportunities at the enterprise, about employment opportunities. The goal is to attract talented young people to industrial specialties.
Сегодня в институте прошел круглый стол на тему «Наш выбор - жизнь без наркотиков» с начальником отдела управления по борьбе с наркопреступностью Департамента полиции Темиргалиевой Ириной Александровной.
Цель - пропаганда здорового образа жизни, ознакомление с последствиями употребления наркотиков, формирование негативного отношения к пробе наркотических средств и навыков безопасного поведения с лицами, употребляющими наркотические вещества и пытающимися увлечь других наркотиками.
В Астане состоялась церемония награждения лучших преподавателей вузов. Победители получили по 6 миллионов тенге в качестве денежной награды. Сертификаты вручил Министр науки и высшего образования РК Саясат Нурбек.
Победителями конкурса стали 150 преподавателей из 43 казахстанских вузов. Каждый из них получил вознаграждение в размере 2000 МРП ( 6 млн 126 тыс. тенге). Помимо денежного поощрения, преподавателям вручили нагрудные знаки.
«Для нас важно мотивировать препо...
Профориентационная работа...
В 1994 году ак г. Экибастуз.С момента создания инженерно-технического института им.К. И. Сатпаева
молодежь нашего города получает высшее техническое и экономическое образование в своем родном городе.
За 20-летнюю историю института подготовлено и выпущено более 9000 высококвалифицированных специалистов, которые сегодня работают во всех отраслях промышленности Казахстана. Выпускники инженерно-технического института им. ак. К. И. Сатпаева оправдали свои дипломы и сейчас работают в...
В КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, г. Алматы 20-21 января 2023 года проходила научно-практическая конференция
В КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби, г. Алматы 20-21 января 2023 года проходила научно-практическая конференция "Развитие университетской науки как необходимое условие инновационного развития Казахстана". От ЕИТИ принял участие в работе конференции проректор по научной работе и международным связям Унайбаев Булат Булатович.
Coursera в казахстанских вузах: чему и за чей счёт будут обучать студентов.
Казахстан открывает для порядка 20 тысяч казахстанских студентов образовательные курсы популярной платформы Coursera. Инициатива была запущена с целью повышения качества знаний учащихся вузов и открытия доступа для казахстанских студентов к мировой образовательной информации.
Однако новость вызвала неоднозначную реакцию у казахстанских экспертов. Кто-то считает, что перевод Coursera на қазақ тілі необходимо было сделать за счёт государственного бюджета и частных инвесторов, а не общественного...
В Евразийском национальном университете им. Л.Н. Гумилева с 9 по 10 февраля проходил форум по социализации молодежи.
В Евразийском национальном университете им. Л.Н. Гумилева с 9 по 10 февраля проходил форум по социализации молодежи с участием проректоров вузов, руководителей психологических служб, директорами департаментов по работе с молодежью вуза и представителями Министерства высшего образования и науки РК. Мероприятие было посвящено актуальным вопросам высшего образования и науки в стране.
Работу форума открыл Министр науки и высшего образования РК Саясат Нурбек. Он ...
В интервью известному журналисту Арманжану Байтасову, министр науки и высшего образования Казахстана Саясат Нурбек ответил на ряд актуальных вопросов
В интервью известному журналисту Арманжану Байтасову, министр науки и высшего образования Казахстана Саясат Нурбек ответил на ряд актуальных вопросов, касающихся трансформации вышей образовательной системы. Кроме того, он рассказал о проблемах казахстанской науки.
29 января 2023 года команда нашего института приняла участие в Зимнем Областном турнире по волейболу среди мужских команд.
29 января 2023 года команда нашего института приняла участие в Зимнем Областном турнире по волейболу среди мужских команд. Соревнования были организованы с целью популяризации волейбола среди населения разных возрастов. В соревнованиях приняли участие команды г.Павлодар, Экибастуз и районов области.
У наших волейболистов была огромная сила воли к победе, и они заняли заслуженное 1- место! От всей души поздравляем их с победой! Желаем им дальнейших успехов и отличных показателей!
В детской музыкальной школе имени Естая прошла встреча волонтёров «Герои среди нас».
В детской музыкальной школе имени Естая прошла встреча волонтёров «Герои среди нас». Участие в форуме приняли волонтёры @poiskovikekb , @bezdomnye_zhivotnye_ekb , @new_prostokvashino , Ахметова Айнур Дулатовна – инспектор по делам несовершеннолетних, неравнодушные к социальным проблемам общества сотрудники ТОО «Богатырь Комир», Центр развития молодежных инициатив, Центр ресоциализаций лиц оказавшихся в трудной жизненной ситуации. Затраг...
The results of the rating of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities of NCE "Atameken" for 2022 have been summed up.
The results of the rating of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities of NCE "Atameken" for 2022 have been summed up. In 2022, 12 educational programs of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K.Satpayev were evaluated in the Atameken rating. Of these, 5 OP took leading positions: Transport, transport equipment and technologies; Electric power industry; Mining; Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport; Thermal power e...
The general meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek was held in Shymkent today.
Today, the general meeting of the Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the participation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek was held in Shymkent at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University on the topic: "Private education:partnership and social responsibility". Rector of the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after ak.K.I.Satpayev Sivoraksha D. M. took part in the event, and also attend...
Talented students study at the institute.
One of them is a 4th year student Azatov Kuanysh Adylbekovich. He is a player of the MFC AF media football team, a participant of the Zhastar Asary charitable Foundation, a speaker of the QAZAQ VIBE media course, an organizer of "Event" events, a prize-winner of regional competitions in fire-applied sports. In his spare time, he is engaged in photographing, videography, teaches children and schoolchildren mobilography.
Our institute hosted a meeting with internationalist soldiers dedicated to the celebration of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan
On January 26, the teachers of the Institute visited the Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute. akademi K. Satpayev.
On January 26, the teachers of the Institute visited the Ekibastuz College of Engineering and Technical Institute. akademi K. Satpayev. Graduates got acquainted with the list of educational programs, the rules of admission to the institute and the innovations of the UNT. The results of the Rating of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, held annually by the Independent Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken", were also announced, in which our institute t...
A scientific and practical conference was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty on January 20-21, 2023
On January 20-21, 2023, the scientific and practical conference "Development of University science as a necessary condition for innovative development of Kazakhstan" was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty. Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and International Relations Unaibayev Bulat Bulatovich took part in the conference on behalf of GEITI.
Today, the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after ak.K.I.Satpayev hosted a round table with excellent representatives of the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan
Today, a round table was held at the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after ak.K.I.Satpayev with excellent representatives of the Association of Businesswomen of Kazakhstan, who shared their life experience with the students, answered their questions, and suggested how to achieve success! Thank you for a wonderful time and a positive attitude!
The branch of "KTZ-Freight Transportation" LLP - "Pavlodar branch of the State Enterprise" Ekibastuz Operational Locomotive Depot, headed by the head Takishev Amir Barambayevich, held guest lectures.
The branch of "KTZ-Freight Transportation" LLP - "Pavlodar branch of the State Enterprise" Ekibastuz Operational Locomotive Depot, headed by the head Takishev Amir Barambayevich, held guest lectures to students of OP 6B07152 "Transport, transport equipment and technologies" and OP 6B11320 "Organization of transportation by rail".
Deputy Head of Production Sarybai Bolat Shakirovich presented to the students experienced Train drivers instructors of locomoti...
Today, for the purpose of career guidance, the teacher of the EITI named after academician K. Satpayev visited Ekibastuz Polytechnic College.
Today, for the purpose of career guidance, the teacher of the EITI named after academician K. Satpayev visited Ekibastuz Polytechnic College. The students of the final courses got acquainted with the list of educational programs and the rules of admission to the Institute, with the innovations of the UNT, as well as learned which professions are most in demand.
Tel. of the admissions committee +7-702-995-72-61