Our intellectuals - News

On February 14, a competition in the intellectual game "IQ-games" was held among university students of Pavlodar region. The game was founded by the center for the development of the youth initiative within the framework of the «Ruhani zharu» program. The purpose of which is to obtain a new quality of education, to develop the ability to constantly adapt to changes and assimilate new knowledge among young people. After all, only a Kazakh who knows his history, language, culture, while modern, who speaks foreign languages, has advanced and global views, can build a new, idealized society. Human capital is the basis of modernization, and it is our youth that is the key to a brighter future.The game was conducted in 3 rounds, requiring the use of knowledge in various fields of knowledge, as well as the ability to economic thinking and cohesive teamwork.All the universities of the Pavlodar region (PGU, PGPI, InEU and our institute EITI) our students in the stubborn struggle were our students from the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after academician K. Satpayev: Ostashevsky Nikita (BE-21), Emelianenko Olga (BDD-21), Kolesnichenko Julia (BPO-11).Winners were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes. We do not stop at the achieved goals, we will strengthen the team with intellectual students of our university.Kolesnichenko Julia, a student of the EITI them. Academician K. Satpayev