HomeNewsВ ЕИТИ им ак К Сатпаева сегодня провели Брейн-ринг, посвященный празднованию дня Республики Казахстан.
A brain-ring dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held today at K. Satpayev EETI. - News
A brain-ring dedicated to the celebration of the Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held today at K. Satpayev EETI.
This event was attended by 18 students from different specialties and courses.
The cultural event was aimed at developing thinking and improving knowledge of young people about the history of the independence of our motherland. Everything was at the highest level.
The contestants of the teams who took part: "Random", "KFC", "Friction Force", "Kazakhstan" and "Eagle" were awarded with
certificates of honor and sweet prizes.