HomeNewsВ Екибастузском инженерно-техническом институте имени академика К. Сатпаева проведен круглый стол "АДАЛ ЕҢБЕК – АДАЛ АДАМНЫҢ БЕЙНЕСІ"
At the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K. Satpayev held a round table " ADAL ENBEK – ADAL ADAMNYN BEYNESI" - News

On January 28, at the Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K. A round table "ADAL ENBEK – ADAL ADAMNYN BEYNESI" was held in Satpayev. The round table was attended by students from five colleges in Ekibastuz. The guest of the round table was the deputy head of the depot (for production) Sarybai Bulat Shakirovich, who devoted almost 20 years to the railway industry. Bulat Shakirovich shared his difficult, interesting moments and told the youth about the importance of choosing a working profession. At the end of the round table, the student youth raised the "sweet chocolate" trend, and the director of the KSU "Center for the Development of Youth Initiatives" Kusan Yerkin thanked and presented a special prize.
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