HomeNewsВыступление доцента кафедры "Строительство" Унайбаева Булаат Булатовича на МНПК "Перспективы инновационного развития угольных регионов России" в филиале КузГТУ г
Speech by Associate Professor of the Department of "Construction" Bulat Bulatovich Unaibaev at the MNPK "Prospects for innovative development of coal regions of Russia" in the branch of KuzSTU - News
On April 25-26, Associate Professor of the Department of "Construction" Unaibayev Bulat Bulatovich made a welcoming speech and a report at the NPC "Prospects for innovative development of coal regions of Russia" in the branch of KuzSTU in Prokopyevsk. He also took part as a jury in the competition of technical projects.