HomeNewsКонференция посвященна основателю ЕИТИ им. академика К.Сатпаева д. ф-м.н. академику АПН Казахстана Марденову М.П. и 65 - летию города Экибастуза.
The conference is dedicated to the founder of EETI named after Academician K.Satpayev, PhD, Academician of the APN of Kazakhstan Mardenov M.P. and the 65th anniversary of Ekibastuz. - News

On birthday of Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute founder, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
academician Marat Pazylovich Mardenov.
International scientific and practical conference was held within the framework of the XXI Satpayev Readings jointly with the Kuzbass State Technical University named after T.F. Gorbachev Prokopyevsk.
Issue: "Improving the quality of education, modern innovations in science and production"