HomeNewsПОЗДРАВЛЯЕМ Кайназарова Армана Сериковича! Зав.кафедры "Горное дело" с присвоением ученого звания ассоциированный профессор (доцент)
CONGRATULATIONS TO Kainazarov Arman Serikovich! Head of the Mining Department with the academic title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) - News

CONGRATULATIONS to Arman Serikovich Kainazarov! Head of the Department "Mining" with the assignment of the academic title of associate professor (associate professor) in the scientific field 10400 - Science of land and the environment of minerals. Order of the Chairman of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1180 of 13.12.2024.
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