HomeNewsПри поддержке акимата города Экибастуза и отдела предпринимательства волонтеры молодежного центра приняли участие в работе по организации и раздаче горячего питания
With the support of the Akimat of Ekibastuz and the Department of Entrepreneurship, the volunteers of the youth center took part in the organization and distribution of hot meals. - News

The other day, more than 200 vehicles gathered in the area near the village of Shiderty due to severe weather conditions and the suspension of transport links, waiting for the opening of the road.Volunteer youth of the youth center with the support of the akimat of ekibastuz @ekibastuz_akimdigi and the Department of entrepreneurship @ekb_kasipkerlik_bolimi took part in the work of organizing and distributing hot meals to more than 300 people.
In addition, four other volunteer organizations of the city took part in this good deed, provided their help and received gratitude from passengers.
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