HomeNewsПроведена профилактическая беседа со студентами 2 курса на тему «Борьба с курением, наркоманией, правовые и медицинские последствия при употреблении наркотических и психотропных веществ»
A preventive conversation was held with 2nd year students on the topic "Combating smoking, drug addiction, legal and medical consequences of the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances" - News

Today, the prevention of smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction is the main goal to preserve a healthy generation. In this regard, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, our psychologist conducted a preventive conversation with 2nd year students on the topic "Combating smoking, drug addiction, legal and medical consequences of using narcotic and psychotropic substances." The psychologist explained that everyone is responsible for their behavior, anti-drug attitudes, and promoted a healthy lifestyle.