HomeNewsПрошёл фестиваль Региональной лиги «Иртыш» в городе Павлодар, где наша команда КВН приняла участие.
The festival of the Regional League "Irtysh" was held in the city of Pavlodar, where our KVN team took part. - News

On May 14, festival of Regional League "Irtysh" was held in Pavlodar, where our CCR team took part.
Festival of Regional League "Irtysh" was held in Pavlodar, where our CCR team took part. Our team has been preparing for a very long time and fruitfully and showed good results.
CCR team "Yin-Yang" thanks the management of the Institute for support provided.
We are looking forward to the result, which league our team has entered, and we wish them only success!