HomeNewsСтуденты колледжей города Экибастуз совместно со студентами ЕИТИ им.К.Сатпаева приняли онлайн участие в диалоговой площадке
Students of Ekibastuz colleges together with students of K. Satpayev EETI took online part in the dialogue platform "JASTAR TALKS" - News

Students of Ekibastuz colleges together with students of K. Satpayev EETI took online part in the dialogue platform "JASTAR TALKS"
College students of Ekibastuz together with students of K.Satpayev EETI took online part in the dialogue platform "JASTAR TALKS". The event was held under the motto "New Kazakhstan: the future is in our hands". During the meeting, the youth of Pavlodar shared their achievements. JASTAR TALKS is a creative conference in a free format for dissemination of unique ideas and exchange of useful experience.