In connection with the introduction of the state of emergency in the country, the deadline for submitting documents has been changed in accordance with the instruction letter of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Can submit documents from April 15 to April 30, 2020:
* graduates of organizations of Secondary Education (schools), organizations of technical and professional or post-secondary education (colleges) to participate in the competition for awarding an educational grant at the expense of the Republican budget or local budget, or to enter universities on a paid basis at will;
* graduates of technical and vocational or post-secondary education (colleges) entering educational programs that provide for reduced terms of study of higher education to participate in the competition for the award of an educational grant at the expense of the Republican budget or local budget;
* Persons enrolled in full-time education on a paid basis before the end of the first academic period for admission to the University on a paid basis; from April 15 to May 5, the following documents can be submitted::
* graduates of secondary education organizations who have studied abroad through the international exchange of students, as well as representatives of Kazakh nationality who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have graduated from educational institutions abroad, to participate in the competition for awarding an educational grant at the expense of the Republican budget or local budget, or to enter universities on a paid basis at will.
Documents can be submitted to the EITI admissions committee. academician K. Satpayev, building "a", office. 109, 110. follow the news!