The Student Energy Challenge contest once again unites Kazakhstani students in the struggle for the brightest ideas in the field of oil and gas and energy industry
KAZENERGY Association, in partnership and with the financial support of Shell Kazakhstan, announces the Student Energy Challenge competition among students of Kazakhstani technical universities.
Students of all bachelor's and master's degree programs can take part in the Competition. The competition consists of V stages, the number of teams is unlimited. Several teams from each university can participate.
You need to apply for participation in the Competition on the website of the Association "KAZENERGY" at the link: http://kazenergy.com Home→ Activity→ Educational Program → Contests→Student Energy Challenge → Registration Form.
Registration of teams (via the above link) will be open until March 20, 2020.
For the convenience of preparation at the III stage of the terms of reference for the creation of a video presentation of the project passport, a training video has been developed, which can be found at the link http://www.kazenergy.com/ru/operation/educational-program/156/1099/
All of the above stages of the Competition are also presented on the website www.kazenergy.com
Within the framework of the Competition, it is planned to conduct a training on the development of critical thinking skills "Shell NXplorers" in Nur-Sultan (July 2-3, 2020), developed by specialists of the Shell Kazakhstan concern in order to develop critical thinking skills and complex problem solving.
In August, a webinar "Creating an effective presentation" will be held for the semi-finalist teams with the partnership of the EY Business Academy.
The prize fund of the Contest is:
1st place - $ 10,000,
2nd place – $ 5,000,
3rd place – $3,000.
More detailed information about the Competition (registration form, regulations, stages of the Competition) can be found on the website www.kazenergy.com
If you have any questions about the organization of the Contest, please contact us by phone: +7 7172 790174 or by e-mail sech2020@kazenergy.com