The order on the organization of the Department of "Social and Humanitarian Disciplines" was signed in 1997. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Natalia Anatolyevna Kebina was elected to the position of head. The department contributes to the improvement of the general cultural level of students, the formation of their active life position, the ability to use knowledge of disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle. To achieve these goals, the teachers of the department organize educational activities at a high scientific and methodological level, use active forms of extracurricular work (round tables, scientific and practical conferences, excursions to museums of the city and region, literary evenings and meetings with interesting people, etc.). This allows students to broaden their horizons, creates opportunities to familiarize them with the history and culture of their native land. The department pays great attention to improving the level of aesthetic culture, instills etiquette skills. In order to monitor the quality of teaching, the department conducts various types of questionnaires and sociological surveys. In 2018, the department included the direction "Vocational training".
The main educational program of bachelor's degree training provides for the study of the following disciplines of the OOD cycle - General education disciplines:
History of Kazakhstan (state exam)
Foreign language
Kazakh (Russian) language
Political Science
Fundamentals of law
Fundamentals of life safety
DB cycle – Basic disciplines:
Professional Kazakh (Russian) language
Professionally-oriented foreign language
The department holds events that contribute to the development of student science, broaden their horizons, develop an idea of the world and man.
Research work of the department
The subject of the research work of the department
Semantic foundations of the formation and self-realization of personality /D.philos.N., prof. Kebina N.A.
Individual psychological characteristics of the student's personality /assoc. Aitimova A.K.
Russian and English phraseological units. Pragmatics of omissions and reservations / Ph.D.TezekbaevaG.A.
“Akparattyk–kommunikationalyk technologiyalar memleket. tilin okytudagi didaktikalyk kural retinde” takyryby boyynsha gylym zhumysymdy birizdilikpen zhalgastyru. / Ph.D., assoc.Baigozhina A.E.
Agylshyn tildi zhazushylar anghimelerin kazak tiline audarudyn ustanymda men tazhiribesi./ Ph.D., Assoc.Tusupova G.B.
"Paradise categoriyanyn discurstegi kyzmeti" gylymi takyrybyn zertteu zhumystary /Ph.D., Assoc. Kosherova K.K.
The history of Kazakhstan in persons / K.I.N., assoc. Muritova A.B.
Improvement of sports achievements of students of EITI/Prof. Syrovatkin A.I.
Improving long-distance running / art.teacher.Zheksekenov E.J.
Student scientific clubs and circles. Such student scientific circles as Logos (in philosophical sciences) and Cosmopolite (in language disciplines: English, German, Kazakh and Russian) have been created and are working at the Department of SRS and FW. At the meetings of the seminars, issues related to the subject of course research papers were considered; abstracts of students' reports.
Students report the content of their term papers (assoc. Aitimova A.K.), ways of further research for the preparation of R&D are outlined. Traditionally, there is a competition of presentations on philosophy and political science, a seminar "The first in the hearts of compatriots" on philosophy (hand. Kebina N.A.), debates (hand. Tusupova G.B.), decade of languages of the people of Kazakhstan, etc.
Funded grant, contractual and state-funded research of the department:
Translation of works by S.Maugham "The Moon and the Penny", O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray" by G.B. Tusupov By state order under the "Heritage" program 822.500 tenge.
A contract has been concluded for the reissue of O. Wilde's book "Portrait of Dorian Gray" Tusupova G.B. By state order under the "Heritage" program 225,000 tenge
Madeniyet zhane akparat ministerliginin koldauymen shygaryldy zhane algy sozin KR Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Masimov zhazgan. Tusupova G.B. L. Lessig "Free culture" (15.0 p.l.) atta kitabyna kazaksha audarma zhasap sharuashylyk kelisimshartka kol koydy 444.000tg
Baigozhina A.E., Tezekbayeva G.A., Kosherova K.K. The contract of 4.5 million tenge for the compilation of the textbook "Kazakh tili Alemi" under the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Tusupova G.B. Translation of the book by the English architect Ian Gale "Cities for people" into Kazakh by order of the publishing house "Avant-media" Contract for the provision of paid services with LLP "Avant-media" in the person of A.N. Naurbakytov (The total amount of the Contract for fiscal year 2014 is 111111 (one hundred eleven thousand, which is eleven tenge)
List of published monographs, textbooks, teaching aids and UMKD:
Kebina N.A. Philosophy: a block of educational materials for the credit system of education. Ekibastuz: EITI, 17.5 p.l. ISBN 978-601-7160-10-4
Kebina N.A. Philosophy in search of meaning. Ekibastuz: EITI, 19 P.L. ISBN 978 – 601- 7160 – 09 - 8
Sugralimova G.B. Kazakstan tarikhy. Credittik technologiya zhuyesi boyynsha okityn studentterdin ozdik zhumysy. Ekibastuz. 2009. – 118b (8.4 p.l) ISBN 978-601-7160-11-1
Kosherova K. K. English: for students of technical specialties: Textbook. Ekibastuz, 116 p. (5,8 p.l) ISBN 978-601-7160-08-1
Tusupova G.B. "Agylshyn tildi zhazushylar anghimelerin kazak tiline audarudyn ustanymdary men tazhiribesi", EITI named after ak. Satpayeva, Ekibastuz 10 p.l.
Tusupova G.B. By state order under the "Heritage" program, translation of works by S. Maugham "The Moon and the Penny", O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (23.5 pp.l.) – for a total amount of 822.500 tenge.
Kebina N.A., Sugralimova G.B. Philosophy: Credittik okytu zhuyesi boyynsha oku kuraly. - Ekibastuz, 300 b. (17.7 p.l.), ISBN 978-601-7160-31-9
Muritova A. B. Kazakhstan tarikhs: Darister courses – Ekibastuz 150b (9 p.l) ISBN 978-601-7160-32-6
Tusupova G.B. Reprint of O. Wilde's book "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (15.0 p.l.) - in the amount of 225,000 (two hundred twenty-five thousand) tenge
Kebina N.A. (co-authored with Khamitov M.H.) collection of scientific articles "Sense. Personality. Self-realization", the publication is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic. (4.5 p.l.) ISBN 978-601-7160-16-1
Tusupova G.B. L. Lessigtin "Free culture" atta kitabyna kazaksha audarma zhasap sharuashylyk kelisimshartka kol koydy. Bul basylym Madeniyet zhane akparat ministerliginin koldauymen shygaryldy zhane algy sozin KR Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Masimov zhazgan (15.0 p.l.)
Kebina N.A. Sociology: for a credit training system. Textbook // Kebina N.A. – Ekibastuz: EITI, 2014. – 150 p.ISBN 978-601-7160-66-1
Tusupova G.B. Reprint of O. Wilde's book "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (15.0 pp.) - in the amount of 225,000 (two hundred twenty-five thousand) tenge.
Kebina N.A., Sugralimova G.B.Philosophy: Credittik okytu juyesi boyynsha oku kuraly (memlekettik zhane orys tilinde). The second edition is supplemented and revised. - Ekibastuz, 2015. — 277b.ISBN 978-601-7160-79-1
Baigozhina A.E. Oku-adistemelik kural "Kasiptik kazak tili" (economy of mamandygy boyynsha) Ekibastuz k-sy, ak.K.I.Satbayev atyndagi EITI, 2015 zh.
Baigozhina A.E., Tezekbayeva G.A., Kosherova K.K. "Kazakh tili alemi": "Innovative technologies of teaching the state language in the multilingual space"Astana, According to the budget program:055 "Scientific and/or scientific and technical activities". Subprogram 101 "Grant financing of scientific research" By priority: "Intellectual potential of the country" of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Aitimova A.K. Professional psychology Textbook Ekibastuz, 2014.
Aitimova A.K. Psychology and personality development Textbook Ekibastuz, 2014
Tezekbaeva G.A. Educational and methodical manual on the discipline "English language" for students of non-linguistic universities. Ekibastuz, 2014.
Baigozhina A.E. Oku-adistemelik kural "Kasiptik kazak tili" (tau-ken isi mamandygy boyynsha ) Ekibastuz k-sy, ak.K.I.Satbayev atyndagy EITI, 2015j
Baigozhina A.E. Educational and methodical complex "Russian language" for all specialties of Ekibastuz, EITI named after K.I.Satpayev, 2015.
Tusupova G.B. Translation of the book by the English architect Ian Gale "Cities for people" into Kazakh by order of the publishing house "Avant-media". – 2014.
List of publications of teaching staff of the SRS department in journals with impact factor
№ |
Ф.И.О. авторов статьи |
Название статьи |
Название журнала, год, №, стр |
Импакт-фактор журнала |
авторов |
1 |
Кебина Н.А. |
Инсайт смысла через «переживание» бытия |
Вестник евразийского национального университета им Л.Н. Гумилева. 2011. -№1 (80). С.255-259. |
1028-9364 |
0,2 |
2. |
Кебина Н.А. |
Нравственная реальность и личностные смыслы |
Вестник евразийского национального университета им Л.Н. Гумилева. 2011. - №5 (84). С.140-144 |
1028-9364 |
0,2 |
Natalia_kebina@mail. ru |
3 |
Тезекбаева Г.А. |
Вестник евразийского национального университета им Л.Н. Гумилева. 2014. -№1 (98). С.88 -94 |
1028-9364 |
0,2 |
4. |
Тезекбаева Г.А. |
Интерпретация недомолвок адресатом |
Вестник Челябинского ГУ № 28(249)2011. Серия филология и искусствоведение. Выпуск 59. С.98-103 |
5. |
Кошерова К.К. |
Категория наклонения как средство выражения интенциональной установки говорящего в дискурсе.
Вестник ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева, серия Гуманитарных наук, № 3(82), 2011, с.142-147 |
1028-9364 |
0,2 |
6 |
Tezekbayeva, Ekibastuz Technical Engineering Institute named after acad. K.Satpayev |
Addresse Communicative Tactics in Speech Omissions
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 17 (7): 986-991, 2013 © IDOSI Publications, 2013 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.17.07.12145
ISSN 1990-9233
Scopus*, ISI Web of Knowledge*, Eurasia Database, International Agricultural Database рейтинг Q4 |
7 |
Natalya A. Kebina Kuralai K. Kosherova
The men and the women: the differences about the purposes and meaning of life (by the results of sociological survey) Received: 19.04.2013 ID: 228 Is under review |
«European Researcher» (Европейский исследователь) – международный мультидисциплинарный двуязычный научный журнал |
ISSN 2219-8229. E-ISSN 2224-0136 |
Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 2011 - 0,778 |
8 |
Кебина Н.А. |
Молодежь Казахстана сегодня и завтра |
Социологические исследования. 2004, № 3 |
ISSN 0132-1625 |
Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 1,059 по Thompson Reuters 0,271 |
9 |
Кебина Н.А. |
Гендерные аспекты проблемы смысла, их роль в самореализации женщины. |
Философские науки: Научный образовательный просветительский журнал. |
ISSN 1560-7488 |
Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 0,249 |
10 |
Кебина Н.А. |
"Рождение" смысла жизни через постижение смысла смерти |
Социально-гуманитарные знания |
ISSN 0869-8120 |
Импакт-фактор РИНЦ 0,218 |
11 |
Г.А. Тезекбаева
ВЕСТНИК ВГУ. Серия: Филология. Журналистика. 2011, №1 |
ISSN 1993-5552 |
РИНЦ 0,006 |
12 |
Байгожина А.Е., Тезекбаева Г.А. Кошерова К.К.
Multilingualism - one of the factors of personality in contemporary society of Kazakhstan. | Вестник евразийского национального университета им Л.Н. Гумилева. |
1028-9364 |
0,2 | |