Educational institution "Ekibastuz Engineering and Technical Institute named after Academician K. I. Satpayev Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Institute) is a subject of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 23, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code), the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Education", November 18, 2015" On Combating Corruption", other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating educational activities, as well as the Charter and State Registration Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. licenses to engage in educational activities.
In 2019, according to the "Independent assessment of educational programs of Kazakhstani universities", the results of which are posted on the E-Government portal https://m.egov.kz/cms/ru/articles/ind-edu?mobile=yes EITI took the first place among universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of employment - 86%. This is facilitated by close cooperation with enterprises in the region, which make an invaluable contribution to the development of the higher education system.
For the third year, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts a study of educational programs of domestic universities and makes a rating based on them. https://atameken.kz/ru/services/44-rejting-obrazovatel-nyh-programm-vuzov
Table 1.1-Atameken PPP Rating data for 2019
List educational programs EITI named after Academician K. Satpayev |
Rating of educational programs of universities (National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken") |
Place of educational programs of EITI named after Academician K. Satpayev |
Percentage of employment according to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" |
Transport, transport equipment and technology |
1 |
95% |
Heat and power engineering |
1 |
88,89% |
Technological machines and equipment |
2 |
100% |
Automation and management |
3 |
87,5% |
Mining Business |
3 |
94,12% |
Construction |
5 |
66,7% |
Electric power industry |
7 |
86,84% |
Organization of transportation, traffic and operation of transport |
9 |
72,73% |
Information systems |
30 |
83,33% |
Economy |
32 |
87,18 |
Among universities with less than 5 graduates |
Metallurgy industry |
1 |
100% |
Management |
3 |
80% |
Thus, the Institute has a good competitive position among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Educational activities of the Institute It is carried out on the basis of its academic policy, which is a system of measures, rules and procedures for planning and managing educational activities and effective organization of the educational process aimed at implementing student-oriented learning and improving the quality of education and in strict accordance with the Rules for Organizing the Educational process on credit technology of Training, approved by Order No. 152 of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under No. 6976).
The practice of employers ' participation in the educational activities of the Institute, in the development of the content and organization of the educational process is constantly expanding, and issues of financing and tuition fees are being jointly resolved. The successful development of mutual relations allows the Institute not only to improve educational programs, but also to take into account the needs and needs of enterprises and organizations when introducing new specializations and opening new educational programs based on a competency-based approach.
The educational process of the Institute is based on the principle: from the transfer of ready-made information - to the position of the organizer of active independent acquisition of necessary competencies by students, the consultant of such a process. In light of this, the main directions for optimizing the educational process were::
- focus on active rather than passive learning;
- emphasis on critical and analytical study and understanding;
- increase responsibility and accountability on the part of students;
- increased student autonomy;
- interdependence between the teacher and students;
- mutual respect in relations between students and teachers;
- a reflexive approach to the learning process on the part of both the teacher and students.
Including the active involvement of experienced specialists from production and field practical and laboratory work on the basis of industrial enterprises allowed not only to strengthen the active position of the student in the educational process, but also to integrate the theoretical base and the practical skills obtained, which together make it possible to achieve the desired learning outcomes in the best possible way.
The Institute has tangible assets (classroom and laboratory facilities, classrooms, production workshops, sports halls), buildings with educational facilities and an area that meets the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for educational facilities", approved by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 16, 2017 No. 611 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan under No. 15681), as well as the availability of video surveillance in the premises and (or) in the adjacent territories of the Institute.
The Institute has academic buildings where classrooms and laboratories are located, equipped with equipment that ensures the provision of high-quality educational services and the implementation of the mission, goals and objectives of the university. Over the years of its existence, a developed university infrastructure has been created, including three academic buildings with a total area of 9883.6 sq. m., which house classrooms, educational and scientific laboratories, offices, workshops, 3 sports halls, food and medicine points, an assembly hall, as well as student dormitories.
Financial flows of the Institute in the 2019-2020 academic year are reflected in the budget structure by funding areas, according to Table 1.
Table 1-Structure of the Institute's budget for the 2019-2020 academic year, in %
indicators |
2019-2020 academic year |
1 |
Salary Fund with mandatory deductions |
65,8 |
2 |
Expenses for maintenance and maintenance of educational premises and the surrounding area (utilities, rent payments, cleaning, landscaping, security) |
2,3 |
3 |
Expenses for the administration of training programs (training and support materials, cant. products, consumables, replication, blank documentation) |
1,5 |
4 |
Internet communication costs |
0,7 |
5 |
Expenses for organizing academic mobility of teaching staff/students |
0,7 |
6 |
Expenses for inviting foreign teachers |
2,1 |
7 |
Expenses for advanced training of teaching staff, AUP |
1,8 |
8 |
Recruitment costs (advertising, admission campaign) |
1,4 |
9 |
Expenses for high-quality renovation and expansion of the material, scientific, educational and laboratory facilities (teaching facilities, furniture, computer equipment, laboratory equipment, library and information resources, software) |
21,2 |
10 |
Expenses for high-quality renovation, expansion, and functioning of infrastructure (dormitories, medical and leisure centers, printing houses, recreation areas, etc.) |
2,1 |
11 |
Other expenses |
0,4 |
In particular, the amount of financial resources allocated for replenishment of the library's book fund in the 2019-2020 academic year amounted to 25,436 thousand tenge.
The Institute introduces new learning technologies, including distance learning technologies (hereinafter referred to as DOT) in accordance with the Rules of organization of the educational process on distance learning technologies, approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 20, 2015 No. 137 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative Legal Acts under No. 10768).
In the organization of student-teacher relationships, the learning process focuses on such skills and competencies that demonstrate students ' responsibility for their own learning, independence and cooperation, understanding, and the ability to solve problems. The Institute practices a number of teaching strategies that encourage such learning. These include:
1. Achieving greater activity of students in acquiring knowledge and skills: this can be achieved, in particular, by working in the classroom, applying experimental research and using computer-based training programs;
2. Achieving a better understanding of what students are doing and why: this can be done by keeping diaries, preparing analytical reports, etc.
3. Priority for interaction: for example, through practical exercises with the supervisor( tutorials), discussions in pairs or in small groups( buzz groups), as well as in large discussion groups;
4. Priority on transferable skills: Go beyond the immediate course requirements to skills that will be applicable to students later in their careers and in life.
Educational and methodical work of the university It is organized in accordance with the Rules of organization and implementation of educational, methodical and scientific-methodical work approved by the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2007 No. 583 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Normative legal Acts under No. 5036).
Academic policy is developed on the basis of the current legislation in the field of education, taking into account the priorities and tasks facing the university.
The Institute has created special training facilities for people with special educational needs (signs, ramps, handrails, parking lots, furniture, electric lifts, sound amplifiers, electronic magnifiers, special keyboards).
The Institute fully provides students with educational and methodical literature and (or) electronic resources in accordance with educational programs.
Students ' written evaluated works (term papers, theses, projects) are checked for the presence of borrowed material and the use of text with synonymous replacement of words and expressions without changing the meaning (paraphrase), including the use of text translated from another language (hereinafter - borrowing) in the Strike Plagiarism system.
Implementation of educational programs of higher education is carried out in accordance with the requested training area and the classifier of training areas with higher and postgraduate education (based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Amendments and Additions to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 17, 2015 and strictly comply with the requirements and norms of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 391 "On Approval of Qualification Requirements for educational activities and the list of documents confirming compliance with them", which is confirmed by the results of compliance checks, which the Institute successfully passed in February 2020.
The foundation of the learning process is academic integrity.
The basic principles of academic integrity are:
1) ensuring academic integrity as the main institutional value that forms honesty and mutual respect in academic work;
2) approval of fair and objective rules of academic integrity aimed at the formation of high ethical values;
3) ensuring a consistent and continuous learning trajectory of the student by defining a clear mechanism and procedure for transferring student credits based on verifiable transcripts from other educational organizations;
4) showing the teacher's respect for his students as a mentor, contributing to the formation of academic culture;
5) encourage and encourage participants in the educational process to promote and protect academic integrity;
6) determination by the teacher of a clear discipline policy, expected requirements from the student;
7) defining the teacher's policy of clear parameters for evaluating students ' academic achievements;
8) taking measures in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for violating the principles of academic integrity;
9) creating an academic environment that provides educational, social and psychological support to students and allows for the prevention of academic dishonesty.
In order to improve the quality of educational activities, the Institute established an internal quality assurance system based on international standards and guidelines for quality assurance of higher and postgraduate education in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-ISIG), which includes::
1) quality assurance policy;
2) development and approval of programs;
3) student-centered learning, teaching and evaluation;
4) student admission, academic performance, recognition and certification;
5) teaching staff;
6) training resources and student support system;
7) information management;
8) informing the public;
9) continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of programs;
10) periodic external quality assurance.
On the basis of the Institute, the Department of Internal Quality Assurance of Education (hereinafter referred to as DVOKO) has been formed, which performs the functions of the Quality Assurance Commission, which makes decisions on the content and conditions of educational programs, assessment policy and other academic issues, which organizes questionnaires of students for compliance with the quality of educational programs and (or) disciplines/modules, for the presence of facts of violation of academic integrity.
Personnel management (employees) of the Institute It is carried out in accordance with its personnel policy, which is based on the principles of human resource development, meritocracy, including recruitment, training and advanced training of senior personnel, teachers and researchers of the university in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation.
At the same time, it is ensured that the heads of the Institute pass advanced training courses and (or) internships in the field of management with obtaining the corresponding certificate (certificate) at least once every five years in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Educational activities of the Institute It is an integral part of the educational process and is aimed at the formation of patriotism, citizenship, internationalism, high morals and morals, legal culture, interfaith tolerance, as well as the development of diverse interests and abilities of students.
Educational work at the Institute is carried out on the basis of the values of Kazakhstan's identity and unity, the spiritual and moral values of the program of modernization of public consciousness "Rukhani Zhangyru", the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle and "zero tolerance" for corruption.
The Institute has student self-government bodies created by students on a voluntary basis. Student self-government bodies elect a chairman and a deputy chairman from the student body and are allowed to participate in meetings of the university's collegiate management bodies when discussing issues related to the interests of students.
Research work of the Institute organized according to their activities includes:
1) carrying out fundamental, applied, search (initiative) research and development activities, including in innovative areas;
2) implementation of scientific research by order, contract with third-party organizations;
3) organization of research work of students, undergraduates and doctoral students;
4) development and implementation of innovative teaching technologies and research results in the educational process and production;
5) formation of an innovative infrastructure for research activities, creation and implementation of a mechanism for commercialization of scientific developments, with the exception of higher education institutions;
6) protection of intellectual property and copyright of researchers and developers.
International cooperation of the Institute It is carried out on the basis of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Institute has established direct links with foreign educational organizations, and concluded bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements. The Institute participates in international exchange programs for students, teachers and researchers, and provides training.