Educational program

The educational program (OP) of higher education in the bachelor's degree specialty 6B04130 "Finance", implemented by the EITI named after Academician K. Satpayev in the state and Russian languages, is a system of documents developed and approved by a higher educational institution taking into account the requirements of the labor market, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Mission, Policy and Goals in the field of quality of the Institute, with the use of innovative educational technologies.

The mission of OP "Finance" is: To train highly educated, competitive, competent professional personnel demonstrating a high level of theoretical and practical training in the field of finance

Strategic management of the OP regulates the goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduate training in these areas of training, ensuring the implementation of the relevant educational program.

The educational program 6B04130 "Finance" was created in 2019 on the basis of a request from employers, in accordance with national development priorities. Goals of OP "Finance":

    Formation of the worldview of bachelor's specialists on scientific philosophical and religious pictures of the universe, the history of the development of society, improvement of language training and problems of environmental protection and protection in the study of general education disciplines.

    The development of bachelors' ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge throughout their active life.

    Preparation of a graduate based on the diversity and dynamism of elective modules of the curriculum, with a predominance of practical skills in competencies, capable of performing professional functions within one or more types of activities based on the final results of training, taking into account the specifics of these types of activities, market requirements for organizational, managerial and professional competencies.

To achieve these goals , the following tasks are solved:

    Analysis and generalization of national and international experience in the training of production and technological, organizational and technological, design, research personnel;

    Purposeful formation of a contingent of students, specialized theoretical and practical training of students, focused on the modern needs of the employer in the learning process;

    The ability to work with scientific and technical literature, use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities, systematize and summarize the information received.

The sphere of professional activity of the Bachelor of Finance is the state bodies of the republican and territorial level: the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations, economic services of ministries and departments, banks, pension insurance, mortgage and leasing companies, pawnshops, credit partnerships, exchanges, budgetary institutions and organizations, investment funds, economic entities of various organizational and legal forms, economic courts, the State Revenue Department, as well as research organizations.

Types of professional activity. Bachelors of OP "Finance" can perform the following types of professional activities taking into account the requirements of the labor market:

- economic;

- organizational and managerial;

- production and technological;

- settlement and design;

- research;

- analytical;

- consulting;

- legal.

Functions of professional activity:

The functions of the professional activity of the Bachelor of the OP "Finance" are:

- collecting reporting and statistical information, processing data and preparing it for use by managers for making managerial decisions, investors, creditors, external and internal users;

- analysis and evaluation of alternative solutions for financing, lending, borrowing, pricing, investment, production methods;

- management and control over the financial and financial and economic activities of enterprises and institutions of the public and private sectors, the economy as a whole;

- verification of compliance of the organization and management of financial and credit relations with legislative and regulatory acts, as well as the provision of consulting services;

- participation in the analysis and development of draft regulations regulating financial relations between economic agents;

- possession of self-analysis and self-education skills for professional and personal growth;

- ability to conduct research and analysis of educational and scientific literature in the field of economics and finance.