Educational program

Educational program (OP) of higher education in the bachelor's degree 6B04120 "Management", implemented by the EITI named after Academician K. Satpayev in the state and Russian languages, is a system of documents developed and approved by a higher educational institution taking into account the requirements of the labor market, in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Mission, Policy and Goals in the field of quality of the Institute, with the use of innovative educational technologies.
The mission of OP "Management" is: Training in the skills of operational and strategic management of an international company in a changing environment, the use of tools for economic evaluation of international projects, marketing, entrepreneurship, business planning, human resource management in the global market space.
Strategic management of the OP regulates the goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduate training in these areas of training, ensuring the implementation of the relevant educational program.
Training of organizational and managerial, production and technological, design, experimental and research personnel in the Bachelor's degree program of the specialty 5B050700 "Management" is carried out in two directions: "Management of organizations" and "International Management".
The educational program of the specialty 5B050700 "Management" was created based on the request of employers, in accordance with national development priorities. Goals of OP "Management":

    Formation of the worldview of bachelor's specialists on scientific philosophical and religious pictures of the universe, the history of the development of society, improvement of language training and problems of environmental protection and protection in the study of general education disciplines.
    The development of bachelors' ability to self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge throughout their active life.
    Preparation of a graduate based on the diversity and dynamism of elective modules of the curriculum, with a predominance of practical skills in competencies, capable of performing professional functions within one or more types of activities based on the final results of training, taking into account the specifics of these types of activities, market requirements for organizational, managerial and professional competencies.

To achieve these goals , the following tasks are solved:

    Analysis and generalization of national and international experience in the training of production and technological, organizational and technological, design, research personnel;
    Purposeful formation of a contingent of students, specialized theoretical and practical training of students, focused on the modern needs of the employer in the learning process;
    The ability to work with scientific and technical literature, use domestic and foreign experience in professional activities, systematize and summarize the information received.

Types of professional activity. Bachelors in the specialty "Management" can perform the following types of professional activities:
- organizational and technological. The bachelor has all the skills for qualified work in the field of analytical, computational, regulatory, consulting activities, development and application of management technology at a particular enterprise, including participation in the creation of scientific, methodological, organizational and technological management base - together with other specialists develops and applies the most effective management methods, rules and procedures of strategic planning, personnel management, innovation management. Actively participates in the process of organizing production, logistics and sales at the enterprise; - project. The bachelor carries out activities in two main areas: organizational design and feasibility study of projects. Organizational design includes the development of organizational management structures, their implementation, adaptation, the development of innovations and the definition of options for the development of management systems, as well as the analysis of economic projects, the development and analysis of the effectiveness of specialized documents (feasibility study, business plan, etc.) related to the organization of a new enterprise or economic project necessary to obtain loans, loans and other types of financial support;
- production and management activities are the prerogative of bachelors in this specialty, since the educational process requires them to thoroughly study all issues related to the management process; including production management, creation of an effective system, application in practice of all known management principles, use of the developed scientific-methodological and organizational-technological base of management, implementation of basic management functions, analysis of the effectiveness of their implementation, control over compliance with management technology, formation of the economic strategy of the enterprise and planning of current production activities, etc.; - research. The bachelor carries out activities both within the framework of research programs of higher educational institutions and as part of the relevant research groups of research institutes, industrial enterprises and corporations or independently, a special place is given to international programs of scientific cooperation in the field of economics, organization, management; - educational or pedagogical activity of bachelors of management consists in professional activity in gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums; - commercial, in the field of material production management and social development.
Functions of professional activity:
- planning of the main directions of production and management development;
- definition of management goals and objectives, their effectiveness;
- formation of the structure of the production facility and management structure, optimal construction of the production apparatus;
- improvement of equipment and production technology;
- motivation of staff, activation of their work;
- coordination and control of all aspects of management activities;
- introduction of innovations in the field of tangible and intangible